Get to know the team behind Female Founders and learn why and how we are doing what we do!

Our Vision

An equal future through equal opportunities in tech and innovation.

The unequal status quo has led to a world that is facing more challenges than ever. Tech and innovation are without question crucial to making progress towards these challenges, but the current status quo in this field is not working. Technological solutions and innovative ideas need to be created by diverse groups of people in order to benefit the world’s diverse population.

This is where entrepreneurial women come in. For us, entrepreneurship is not necessarily about founding your own startup. Being a part of the tech and innovation ecosystem is about being proactive, taking responsibility and building solutions, this is the nature of entrepreneurship! It’s a state of mind, a principle of life and an approach to dealing with problems. It’s about confidence and trust in yourself, about solving problems for society and contributing to a better, more inclusive future. Plus: we truly believe that it’s finally time to access the untapped creativity and potential of women.

All of this leads us to a very simple equation:

tech + entrepreneurial women = an equal future.

Our Mission

Create equal opportunities for entrepreneurial women in the European tech and innovation ecosystem.

For us, Female Founders has always been and will always be so much more than a network for women. It is a constantly growing community of people who share the same values and want to shape the future in a positive way. By being a source of support and guidance, we’re there every step along the way of the entrepreneurial minds’ life – both in the foreground and behind the scenes. 

Our Values

In the last couple of years, we’ve experienced how crucial it is to be aware of our vision, mission and most of all: our values. This holds true for both our professional and personal lives. Our values are the centre of what we do. They help us decide who we work with and who we support. All our decisions are guided by these core values: 

We are approachable and authentic.
We are professional and trustworthy.
We embrace the unknown, stay curious and seek opportunities.
We respect different views & opinions.
We take responsibility and meaningful actions.
We try to be balanced and have fun.

Meet the Team

Allie Trok

Marketing Communication
Lead 🇺🇸

Carina Klaffl

Co-CEO 🇦🇹

Elena Frauenlob

Project Manager 🇦🇹

Elisabeth van Holthe tot Echten

Senior Project Manager 🇳🇱

Fanny Springer

Program Manager Grow F 🇦🇹

Jaysri Thangam, Fund F

Jennifer Brenner

Event Manager 🇦🇹

Judith Schnaubelt Fund F

Judith Schnaubelt

Fund F 🇦🇹

Lisa-Marie Fassl

Co-Founder & GP of Fund F 🇦🇹

Nina Wöss

Co-Founder & GP of Fund F 🇦🇹

Sarah Lisanne Becker

Founders Associate 🇩🇪

Sebastian Gomes

Fund F 🇵🇹 🇬🇧

Valerie Hengl

Co-CEO 🇦🇹

Meet our Ambassadors

A community of likeminded women in the European VC ecosystem, fostering female entrepreneurship